Фары проезжающих мимо автомобилей ни при каких обстоятельствах не смогли бы вычленить из темноты силуэт девочки. Скрючившись на промерзшей земле, Робин одной рукой обнимала собственные колени, прижимаясь спиной к зданию автозаправки, что цветастым пятном маячило вдоль дороги, тянущейся от Розхилла прямиком в направлении церквушки в Ройал Окс. ( читать дальше )
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We've got much to discuss

лор игры There is a parallel between the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle and certain other kinds of phenomena – those incidents where, in the midst of a voyage or flight, an unexplained happening renders the craft, and its crew, incapable of continuing.
6 16 Местные СМИ
2024-05-28 20:48:33 - breakout

Do I wanna know?

гостевая A procession of the damned. By the damned, I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded.
6 66 Новости
2024-06-21 14:32:12 - Raymond Blake
20 20 Alexander Parker
2024-06-21 22:47:49 - Aaron Blake

In my mind all the time

поиск Our minds, and the minds of all those who came before us, are a much greater repository of knowledge about the true nature of reality than our narrow waking consciousness might allow us to believe.
2 38 Нужные
Вчера 00:01:31 - Kylie Reid

You go in through the door

анкеты In the final analysis, our only freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. For many, that is the most that can be managed. To choose to endure or to choose to give up.
1 1 Шаблон анкеты
2024-05-28 20:30:10 - breakout

And we're caught in the headlights

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реклама «The world is full of strange and inexplicable events, and sometimes the only way to understand them is to accept that we may never fully understand them.»
3 3952 Реклама #2
Сегодня 22:45:47 - pr

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